Her priestess where consider skilled doctors and healers. She also wears the Solar Disk and Uraeus, which associates her with Wadjet.Sekhmet was consider a warrior Goddess and Goddess of healing for Upper Egypt, in which she was the Patron of Physicians and healers. Her name comes from the word Sekhem (Power), and her name means: "The One Who Is Powerful".Some of the titles given to her are:Lady of Life.Lady of Pestilence.Lady of Slaughter.Lady of Terror.Mistress of Dread.One Before Whom Evil Tembles.Red Lady.She Who Mauls.There are some variations in who are her parents or how she came to exist, some believed she is the Daughter of the Sun God Ra (for this she was consider a Solar Deity), other think she is the daughter of Nut and Geb, wife and sister of Ptah, mother of Nefertum (Other sources think she also gave birth to Maahes in the New Kingdom).She is usually represented as a woman with the head of a Lioness, dressed in red, sometimes with a Rosetta pattern located in her breast, but sometimes she is naked. She is the Lioness-headed Goddess, fiercest hunter of Egypt.

Sekhmet, also know as Sakhet, Sakhmet or Sekhet. Mistaking the beer for blood, she became so drunk that she gave up the slaughter and returned peacefully to Ra.The same myth was also described in the prognosis texts of the Calendar of Lucky and Unlucky Days of papyrus Cairo 86637, where the actions of Sekhmet, Horus, Ra and Wadjet were connected to the eclipsing binary Algol. In the myth, Sekhmet's blood-lust was not quelled at the end of battle and led to her destroying almost all of humanity, so Ra poured out beer dyed with red ochre or hematite so that it resembled blood. She also was given titles such as the "(One) Before Whom Evil Trembles", "Mistress of Dread", "Lady of Slaughter" and "She Who Mauls".Death metal band Nile referenced Sekhmet in the title track of their album "Ithyphallic", and in "The Eye Of Ra".In a myth about the end of Ra's rule on the earth, Ra sends Hathor or Sekhmet to destroy mortals who conspired against him. Sekhmet's name suits her function and means "the (one who is) powerful".

Walters Art Museum, Baltimore.Sekhmet's name comes from the Ancient Egyptian word "sekhem" which means "power or might". It is devoted to Sekhmet, highlighting her solar attributes.

With these associations she can be construed as being a divine arbiter of the goddess Ma'at (Justice, or Order) in the Judgment Hall of Osiris, associating her with the Wadjet (later the Eye of Ra), and connecting her with Tefnut as well.This golden cultic object is called an aegis. She bears the Solar disk and the uraeus which associates her with Wadjet and royalty. Religion, the royal lineage, and the authority to govern were intrinsically interwoven in ancient Egypt during its approximately three millennia of existence.Sekhmet also is a Solar deity, sometimes called the daughter of the sun god Ra and often associated with the goddesses Hathor and Bast. Sometimes the dress she wears exhibits a rosetta pattern over each breast.Her cult was so dominant in the culture that when the first pharaoh of the twelfth dynasty, Amenemhat I, moved the capital of Egypt to Itjtawy, the centre for her cult was moved as well. Sekhmet also is a Solar deity, sometimes called the daughter of the sun god Ra and often associated with the goddesses Hathor and Bast.S, and in art, was depicted as such, or as a woman with the head of a lioness, who was dressed in red, the color of blood.